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Posterior Stretching Pose

"I am safe, I am sound. All good things come to me; they give me peace!"

Pas-chi-mo-taa-naa-sa-na Paschima = west, or the back side of the body; tan = to stretch/ extend


From dandasana, inhale and bring your hands up the front of your body, stretching tall from the sacrum up overhead through your fingertips. On the exhalation, bend forward from your hips and extend out over your legs, keeping your spine straight and letting your hands come down to rest on the legs, feet or floor, wherever they reach easily.

Continue in this position, inhaling and lengthening, exhaling and deepening the forward bend as long as you can keep your spine straight and the back of your neck long. Reach the crown of your head away from the tailbone, and your navel toward your thighs. Keep your shoulders relaxed down away from your ears. After a number of breaths, inhale and lengthen one last time, then exhale and release completely into the "surrender" phase of the pose, allowing your spine to relax.

Breathe smoothly and naturally as you hold the pose and affirm mentally, "I am safe, I am sound. All good things come to me; they give me peace!" Go farther into the forward bend only through relaxation, not through effort.

To exit, on an inhalation, use your abdominal and lower back muscles (and arms, if necessary) to recapture the spine's natural curves, then lift your hands until they are straight overhead, drawing your torso to vertical. Exhale and circle your hands down to your sides, returning to dandasana for just a moment before lying back into savasana.

Pause to integrate the effects of the pose.