From tadasana, step your left
foot directly to the left so your feet are about one leg's
length apart. Open your left hip to turn the foot out 90°;
make sure that your left knee points in the same direction as
the left toes. The pelvis remains facing forward if possible;
however, it's more important to align the left knee and toes,
which may mean allowing the right side of the pelvis to rotate
forward somewhat. In that case, turn your right foot in enough
to align your right knee and toes. Align your feet so that a
line from the second toe through the heel of your left foot
will intersect the middle of the instep of your right foot. To
stabilize and protect your left knee, lift your left kneecap
by lightly contracting your left quadriceps.
Inhale and circle your hands out to horizontal
at your sides and slightly behind, rolling open your arms,
chest, and shoulders. Exhale and maintain that openness as you
return your arms to a neutral horizontal position, palms
forward. As you inhale again, lengthen to your left and
slightly upward through your left arm, lengthening your torso
to the left with the underside (left side) of your rib cage
long and open. At the same time, release your left hip joint
downward and keep your spine long and straight (from coccyx
through neck). When you've gone left as far as is comfortable,
exhale as you release your left arm, and rest your left hand
lightly on your left leg wherever it touches (without bending
the torso farther to the side). As you inhale, raise your
right arm to vertical, palm facing forward. Keep your
shoulders soft, down away from your ears.
Pause to stabilize your position and check
your alignment. Inhale as you lengthen your neck, then exhale
and rotate your head to look up at your upraised right
Breathe smoothly and naturally as you hold the
pose and affirm mentally, "Energy and joy flood my body cells!
Joy descends to me!"
To exit, inhale and lengthen your neck, then
exhale and rotate your head to look forward once again. Bend
your left knee slightly, and on an inhalation, bring yourself
upright by pressing down through your left leg and, at the
same time, reaching up through your right hand. Once upright,
turn your feet forward once again and open your arms, chest
and shoulders as you finish your inhalation. On the
exhalation, release your arms back to your sides and step your
feet back into tadasana.
Pause to integrate the effects, then repeat to
the other side.