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The Aim of Practicing Yoga Asanas

In  our yoga practice we take advantage of the fact that the asanas sow in the mind the seeds of specific states of consciousness.  We use the power of the mind, concentration, sensitivity, and intention to make those states of mind more dynamic to our awareness, thus greatly aiding our meditation.

In summary, the aim of all yoga techniques, asanas, breathing techniques ,bandhas, mudras, is to control prana. Thus every yoga technique can rightly be called a pranayama technique or life force control.

The more we experience the a state of harmony and joy, the more we discover the kingdom of heaven is within. This is a small listing of  the many Yoga Asanas available.

Dhanurasana Bow Pose
 Setu Bandhasana Bridge Pose
Utkatasana Chair Pose
Balasana Child Pose
Bhujangasana Cobra Pose
Savasana Corpse Pose
 Adho Mukha Shvanasana Doward-Facing Dog
Garudasana Eagle Pose
 Vajrasana Firm Pose
Matsyasana Fish Pose
 Ardha Matsyendrasana Half Spinal Twist
Janushirasana head-to-knee pose
Padahastasana Jackknife Pose
Chandrasana Moon Pose
Tadasana Mountain
 Siddhasana Perfect Pose
 Paschimotanasana Posterior Stretching Pose
Sarvangasana ShoulderStand
Dandasana Staff Pose
 (Standing) Backward Bend Warrior One
 Jathara Parivartanasana Supine Twist
Vrikasana Tree Pose
Virabhadrasana Warrior Pose