Cleanliness (saucha)
Obvious: Purity of body and environment.
Subtle: Purity of consciousness/vibration.
Upon Mastery: Indifference to things of the body; no longer seeking pleasure physically.
Contentment (santosha)
Obvious and Subtle: Ability to embrace things just as they are.
Upon Mastery: Unceasing inner happiness, arid realization of bliss in every atom of
creation and beyond creation.
Austerity (tapasya)
Obvious: Self-discipline, simplicity; removal of distractions.
Subtle: Mastery over likes and dislikes, attained in large part by not giving in to them.
Upon Mastery: Attainment of various psychic powers (siddh is).
Self-Study (swadhyaya)
Obvious and Subtle: Introspect objectively about our behavior, motivations, desires, etc.
Upon Mastery: Ability to commune with beings on higher spheres of existence and to
receive their help.